Draws a waveform in each track. Not available now because no sound editing window is currently active.
Draws a waveform in each track.
View menu
Use this menu to change the way a sound editing window looks. Not available now because no sound editing window is currently active.
View menu
Use this menu to change the way the window looks: whether it draws waveforms or spectral data, enables rulers and title bars, or automatically zooms to see the entire sound.
Not available now because no sound editing window is currently active.
Sets the playback loop points. Not available now because no sound is currently selected.
Sets the playback loop points to the current selection. Shift-play will repeat playing when it comes to this region. Shift-play again to continue to the end of the sound.
Displays a dialog box allowing you to play the sound at pitches other than Middle C. Not available now because no sound editing window is currently active.
Displays a dialog box allowing you to play the sound at pitches other than Middle C.
Displays a dialog box in which you can define the pitch of the current sound. Not available now because no sound editing window is currently active.
Displays a dialog box in which you can define the pitch of the current sound. The System will then play it back as Middle C. As a result, raising the pitch definition, lowers the sound of the pitch played at C.
Displays a dialog box in which you can control the volume while in SoundEdit Pro. Use the Control Panel to change the System volume.
Displays the current sound input device's recording options dialog box. Not available now because no sound input devices are installed. Go into the Sound Control Panel in the Apple menu to set it.
Displays the current sound input device's recording options dialog box. Go into the Sound Control Panel in the Apple menu to change devices.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select sampling rate, and compression factor. Not available now because no sound editing window is currently active.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select the sampling rate, and compression factor for the sounds. Shortcut: double click the sound format box in the lower left corner of the window.
Moves a track left or right. Not available now because a single track is not selected. To offset multiple tracks, option-drag them sideways.
Moves a track left or right so that it will start playing at a different time relative to the other tracks. Shortcut: Option-drag the wave left or right.
Deletes selected tracks. Not available now because no tracks are selected.
Deletes the currently selected tracks.
Adds a new track to the end of this document. Tracks may then be rearranged by dragging their track info bar up and down.
Displays a dialog box in which you can combine tracks into a mono or stereo document. Not available now because no sound editing window is currently active.
Displays a dialog box in which you can combine the tracks of the current document into a mono or stereo document. Incorporates the gain settings and left/right settings.
Pauses recording or playback. Not available now because you are not recording or playing.
Pauses recording or playback.
Starts recording from the current sound input device. Replaces selected area with the recording. Records in stereo if two tracks are selected. Creates new tracks if nothing is selected (click between tracks).
Plays the current sound or selection.
Sound menu
Use this menu to record, playback and mix sounds and alter their compression, sampling rate, and pitch characteristics, manipulate tracks and loopback.
Displays the SoundEdit Pro help screens. Shows shortcuts.
Displays information about the version of the SoundEdit Pro application. Sorry, it doesn't explode like in SoundEdit.
Quits the SoundEdit Pro application. If you have not saved changes, you will be given one last chance.
Displays a dialog box in which you can specify the number of copies you want to print and other printing options. Not available now because no sound editing window is currently active.
Displays a dialog box in which you can specify the number of copies you want to print and other printing options.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select paper size, orientation, and other printing options.
Saves spectral data into a separate file.
Restores the sounds to the last saved. Unavailable because no changes have been made to the active document.
Returns the active sound document to the way it was the last time you saved it. Any changes made since then are lost.
Saves the open SoundEdit Pro document. Not available because no sound document is open, or because the open document is a special type that cannot be changed or saved.
Displays a dialog box in which you can assign a name and file format to the document and indicate where to save it. Editing continues on the original document.
Saves the open SoundEdit Pro document. Not available because no sound document is open, or because the open document is a special type that cannot be changed or saved.
Displays a dialog box in which you can assign a name and file format to the document and indicate where to save it. Editing continues on this new document.
Saves the open SoundEdit Pro document. Not available now because no sound document is open, because no changes have been made to the open document, or because the open document is a special type that cannot be changed or saved.
Saves the open SoundEdit Pro document. If you have not saved the document before, a dialog box appears in which you assign a name to the document and indicate where to save it.
Closes the active window. Not available now because no windows are active.
Closes the active window. If the window is a changed sound document, you will be asked if you want the changes saved.
Opens a sound file you choose and pastes the sounds at the bottom of the active document.
Displays a dialog box that allows you to select an existing sound document or sound resources to open.
Opens a new, untitled SoundEdit Pro document.
File menu
Use this menu to access disk files, to save and import sounds, export spectral data, print, and quit.
Displays a dialog box in which you specify parameters to generate a tone of a particular frequency, amplitude, and shape.